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Out of my Zone!

Today, April 21, 2023

My baby is 1 and starting to walk. I'm feeling the itch more and more to get outside and be more active. This past year I have been cooped up in the house for much too long. I was helping here and there around the farm, but not enough in my opinion. When I started selling eggs back in 2016 my youngest daughter was 2.5 years old. Things went smoothly and we built up from there. John was working out on top of working at home to help make ends meet. This past year he made the decision to not go back to work. Not sure how we would have done all the work had he gone back full time to the dairy. He faithfully and diligently did all my chores without complaining, and he did an excellent job I might add! With calving season almost behind us I did him a favor in return but helping tag calves and monitoring the heard for sick ones and calves not drinking. Helping us everyday are the older children who either help by staying inside with the baby or taking turns helping outside with whatever needs doing. Our son Cregg who is 10 is already making feed loads for the cows and he does an excellent job consistently everyday after school. I find that kids fight less when they have more to do, and the best way for them to help is to do something they love. So glad we are raising a bunch of farmers!! Yes I am going out of my comfort zone by writing this post, however I hope you enjoyed it and maybe i'll write more again soon!

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